Joseph Anderson

Joseph Anderson

  • Visiting Assistant Professor of Physics
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    DSC 161

    Joseph Anderson comes to Carthage following his Ph.D. studies in materials engineering at Purdue University, where he did research on the theory of deformation in metals. Before that, he obtained a B.S. in physics from Texas A&M University.

    A materials science minor in his undergraduate studies sparked his interest in applied physics, especially the theoretical study of problems in materials science. Prof. Anderson’s thesis research involved evaluating these statistical effects.

    “Metals deform by the motion of small ‘wrinkles’ called dislocations. There are so many dislocations in metals that we need a fluid-like theory of dislocation lines to keep track of them all. Such a fluid-like theory of lines would represent a physics-based model of metal deformation, something that has eluded the material’s physics for some time. These fluid-based models are strongly dependent on the statistical properties of the dislocation arrangements.”

    Besides the field of his thesis research, Prof. Anderson also has more general interests in acoustic physics, statistical field theories, correlations in complex data, and the history and philosophy of science.

    • B.S. Physics, Texas A&M University, with minors in mathematics and materials science
    • Ph.D. Materials Engineering, Purdue University
    • PHY 2200 General Physics I
    • PHY 3300 Thermodynamics
    • PHY 4120 Experimental Physics
    • PHY 4300 Electricity and Magnetism
    • Dislocation dynamics
    • Theoretical materials science
    • Scientific computing
    • Statistical field theories
    • Acoustic physics
    • Data science
    • History and philosophy of science
    • Joseph Pierre Anderson, Vignesh Vivekanandan, Peng Lin, Kyle Starkey, Yash Pachaury, Anter El-Azab. Situating the Vector Density Approach Among Contemporary Continuum Theories of Dislocation Dynamics. Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology (2021).
    • Joseph Pierre Anderson, Anter El-Azab. On the three-dimensional spatial correlation of curved dislocation systems. Materials Theory (2021).
    • Joseph Pierre Anderson (2018). An Alignment Scheme for Atomic Force Tomograms of Conductive Filaments in Resistance Switching Devices. Undergraduate Research Scholars Program. Available electronically from